Do you remember when you were just a child with big dreams? Do you remember the challenges you had to overcome in order to make those dreams a reality? Do you even remember your role models? Now, as you reflect, think about the youth of rural Jamaica. Think about their lack of motivation, encouragement and resources. Think back to when you were a youth, a child with big dreams that may have seemed unrealistic to some. Put yourself into the shoes of that girl or boy who has the potential to do big for themselves and their families but clueless as to the first step to take.
Many times in our society, we have children with the potential, the vision, the brainpower and/or the capabilities to change the world but their dreams are being choked by their realities, whether financial, social or otherwise. They wait, desperately, for a role model, a mentor, a father figure, or simply just someone who genuinely care about making their dreams a reality.
We may sometimes forget how hard it was to get where we are today, the pain, the struggles, the lack of opportunities, the lack of support, whatever issue we had throughout our journey that seemed to choke our dreams, we overcame and now, we have a story to share. We may not realise how much our story can transform the life of at least one child, by simply hearing about our journey, someone can be motivated to rise above their situation and overcome their stop signs.
Someone somewhere needs to know that no matter their struggles, they can overcome them. They need to know that they may not have lunch money for school but they should let their physical hunger fuel their hunger for success. They need to know that the love they are searching for has always been within them and only time and healing can allow it to manifest. There is a little girl that needs to know that being raped has not devalued her, she is still strong and destined for greatness. There is a little boy that needs to know that he can rise above the violent-prone community and its stigma and become the next great Prime Minister.
Your story is your story, it is your journey, it has shaped who you are, but no matter how good or bad you think your story is, someone needs to hear it to know that they can rise above it all. It will never be easy, you may not have properly healed just yet, but there is someone with a fresh wound and your story is the antiseptic they need to heal and move on.
Allow your story to be apart of the foundation of this great nation, tell your story.